Abdallah Chilungo
Project Manager, Tsogolo la Thanzi
Bioethics and Education
Chilungo is a teacher by profession and holds a bachelor of education. Chilungo began as an Interviewer and a Change Research Facilitator, and his responsibilities grew exponentially as he assumed greater roles during field work, such as: designing data collection instruments such as survey questionnaires and qualitative interview guides, recruitment of personnel in liaison with the research director, supervising field interviews, training and monitoring interviewers and planning daily activities, writing research reports, and spearheading local dissemination efforts. As Chilungo’s research interests grew, he studied bioethics in South Africa. Chilungo has more than ten years’ experience in field research management. As a project manager, he has experience in laying the foundations and implementation of field projects. He has conducted community engagement meetings, ethics submissions of protocols, recruited and trained interviewers, coordinated large field teams of interviewers, data entry clerks and support staff and management of project resources.