Primary Grants
Tsogolo la Thanzi is funded by grants R01-HD058366 and R01-HD077873 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and by the Max Planck Society.
Additional Support
Yeatman, Sara and Smith-Greenaway, Emily (Multiple-PI). 2019-21.“Prospective Determinants of Unintended Pregnancy and Its Health Consequences.” R03HD097360.
Trinitapoli, Jenny. 2018-2020. “Expanding Access to Longitudinal Population-Based Data on HIV in Young Adulthood.” R03HD095690.
Yeatman, Sara. 2010-12. “Young Adults’ Responses to ART: Implications of ART in a Generalized Epidemic.” NICHD R03 HD067099.
“Family Demography Training Grant”. NICHD T-32HD007514, awarded to the Pennsylvania State University 2010-2015. Supported related-research conducted by Emily Smith-Greenaway, Lauren Bachan, Ashley Larsen Gibby. Valerie King, PI.
Conroy, Amy. 2010-13. “Relationship Power and HIV Testing Behavior in Malawi”. National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), National Research Service Award Pre-doctoral Individual Fellowship, 1F31 MH093260.